Annual Reports & Recognition

TPCH Annual Reports

Fiscal Year 2024 [flipbook]
Fiscal Year 2024 [pdf]
Fiscal Year 2023
Fiscal Year 2022
Fiscal Year 2021
Fiscal Year 2020
Fiscal Year 2019
Fiscal Year 2018
Fiscal Year 2017
Fiscal Year 2016
Fiscal Year 2015
Fiscal Year 2014

TPCH Awarded Two Contracts for Testing Packaging

The California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) awarded two contracts to the Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse (TPCH) to conduct studies to evaluate laboratory performance in testing for toxics in packaging.

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The California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) awarded two contracts to the Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse (TPCH) to conduct studies to evaluate laboratory performance in testing for toxics in packaging.

In June 2010, CA DTSC contracted with TPCH to perform a round-robin study to evaluate the performance of testing laboratories in determining compliance with toxics in packaging statutes, specifically focused on the potential for inconsistencies in testing results for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) matrices. A report on this study, as well as an industry guidance document, was published in July 2011. The goals of this testing project were 1) to increase awareness of the challenges and problems of obtaining consistent laboratory results, and 2) to stress the importance of communicating data quality objectives to laboratories.

In March 2011, TPCH received a second contract for $50,000 to evaluate analytical testing for glass and ceramic packaging by independent laboratories. The results of this study will be used by CA DTSC to develop and provide technical assistance and outreach to stakeholders on best practices for compliance testing under toxics in packaging statutes. TPCH expects to release a report on this study in the Fall 2012.
For more information, contact Melissa Nadeau, TPCH Program Manager.

TPCH Receives EPA Region 1 Environmental Merit Award

On April 22, 2010, the TPCH was honored to receive an EPA New England Environmental Merit Award for its achievements in reducing the toxicity of packaging entering the solid waste stream.

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On April 22, 2010, the Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse (TPCH) was honored to receive an EPA New England Environmental Merit Award for its achievements in reducing the toxicity of packaging entering the solid waste stream. On hand to accept the award were current and past Chairs — Sharon Yergeau, New Hampshire; David Westcott, Connecticut; and Peter Pettit, New York State – as well as TPCH Program Manager, Patty Dillon. The ceremony took place in historic Faneuil Hall in Boston.

EPA’s Environmental Merit Award is an annual award that recognizes outstanding environmental advocates who have made significant contributions toward preserving and protecting our natural resources. This annual ceremony has recognized the environmental achievements of New Englanders for more than three decades.

A press release is available on EPA’s website. For more information on TPCH, contact Melissa Nadeau, TPCH Program Manager.

From left to right: Sharon Yergeau, NH DES & TPCH Chair; Patty Dillon, TPCH; David Westcott, CT DEP; and Peter Pettit, NY DEC.

TPCH Receives $50,000 in Settlement Agreement

The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) at California’s Environmental Protection Agency sent a big thanks — and $50,000 in funding — to the Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse (TPCH) for providing information that led to the nation’s first settlement with monetary penalties attached for packaging that violated state toxics in packaging laws.

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TPCH Receives $50,000 SEP in Settlement Agreement The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) at California’s Environmental Protection Agency sent a big thanks – and $50,000 in funding – to the Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse (TPCH) for providing information that led to the nation’s first settlement with monetary penalties attached for packaging that violated state toxics in packaging laws.

TPCH alerted DTSC about the potential violation in 2006 after several shopping bags from retailer Forever 21 Inc. screened high for the presence of heavy metals via an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer. DTSC followed up, confirmed the finding and spent nearly two years pursuing the company to get the bags out of circulation.

The $50,000 Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP) given to TPCH resulted from a Consent Order between DTSC and Forever 21. The SEP allows the Clearinghouse to spend the funds for any activity within its
mission. “We will certainly spend some of these funds to continue our very successful program to screen packaging for heavy metals, which has yielded significant results in terms of pollution prevention, toxicity
reduction, and outreach to industry,” according to Peter Pettit, Chairman of the TPCH.

As a result of XRF screening in early 2008, TPCH is now working with over 40 companies whose packaging may be in violation of state laws to educate them about toxics in packaging. “Many of these companies are taking action: they’re changing packaging materials or suppliers; stopping overseas shipments of non-compliant packages; and putting new quality assurance procedures into place to prevent future violations of state toxics in packaging laws. Companies that don’t respond or whose responses are inadequate could face state enforcement actions similar to Forever 21, said Pettit.

The full report on a 2006 TPCH screening project is available on the TPCH website. A second report summarizing the results of the 2008 screening project will be available later this year. For more information on the TPCH, contact Melissa Nadeau, TPCH Program Manager.